
Doyen Reunion
Rosevine, Texas

webpage by Paul Ridenour

The reunion was held at the Rosevine Community Center (next to the Rosevine Cemetery)

Sweetie (Doyen) Bonner, Rand Doyen, and Alister Doyen O'Dowd

Terry Doyen

Marie (Doyen) Darr

George Doyen

Rand Doyen (aka Alanis Morissette)


Robert Doyen family

Cassie (Adkins) Doyen Keller - buried at Rosevine Cemetery

John and Cassie (Doyen) Keller's home (near Geneva, TX)

John Randolph Doyen - Miller Cemetery (San Augustine Co.)
(daughter Mandy (Doyen) Rice liked to be called "Doyens" - that is why there is an "S" on his gravestone)

John's son Franklin Doyen - Miller Cemetery